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Elmwood Park
Op-ed Piece | 2024
Mayor Alves deceives Danburian's again. It is disappointing to see Mayor Alves consistently taking credit for things that were initiated by prior administrations. His lack of leadership and ability to get anything done at the state level for our city is a glaring lack of leadership. The Grant that he is trying to take credit for was originally requested to transform downtown including Danbury’s historic courthouse, crucial infrastructure for CIFC, and the Community center. We appreciate the community investment fund for all of their investment and their commitment to Elmwood Park.
Leadership Concerns: There is criticism of his leadership abilities and effectiveness at the state level. The grant, originally requested to support the transformation of downtown Danbury, including the historic courthouse, infrastructure for CIFC, and the community center, was for $15 million, but only $1.3 million was received.
Timeline: The City Council created the grant request in July 2022, before Mayor Alves took office. The substantial shortfall in funding will significantly impact the proposed projects. The limited funds now available will constrain the transformation efforts, leaving many planned enhancements for Danbury incomplete or severely scaled back.
Transparency: Promises unfulfilled, Mayor Alves campaigned on a promise of transparency, yet his administration has consistently fallen short of this commitment. The citizens of Danbury deserve honesty and clarity, not misleading claims and half-truths. We call on Mayor Alves to acknowledge the true origin of the grant and to focus on genuine efforts to secure the necessary resources for our city's development. The community’s trust and our city’s future depend on it. Danbury Republican Town Committee 2024.

Not so Local Julie: Her Heart
is with the Unions, Not Us
Op-ed Piece | 06/13/2024
By: Amy Whyko
As a member of the workforce here in Connecticut as well as a long time taxpayer, I found it perplexing as to why Senator Kushner thought she was best serving Danbury, New Fairfield, and Ridgefield by sponsoring HB 5431.
This bill allows striking union members to collect unemployment benefits at the expense of taxpayers. Although declining nationally, union membership is on the rise in the state of CT. It represents 16.9% of the total workforce collectively pulling in $667 million in annual revenue and holds $736 million in assets.
Just as union workers have a right to join unions, to collective bargaining, and the option to strike if they want to change, I, as a taxpayer should not have to foot that bill. I respect their choices, but the unions are flush with cash and should be responsible for taking care of their members financially while opting to strike. Isn’t that one of the reasons they collect dues?
In a letter to Lamont, CBIA, employers, and business organizations urged him to veto the bill, “based both on policy grounds and the process surrounding its adoption.”
“Long-standing employee protections under state and federal law already achieve the proper balance between the unemployment system’s policy goals and collective bargaining rights,” CBIA president and CEO Chris DiPentima noted in the letter.“That balance is critical. While workers have the right to organize, bargain collectively, and strike, those rights should not be subsidized by taxpayers.”
With that said, we have a right to know why Senator Kushner feels that the taxpayer should also contribute to the Union’s bottom line? We all know her longstanding ties to the unions. She believes she is in Hartford to serve them, not her other constituents. Kushner has continually shown us she serves special interests for her benefit, but that’s not the kind of representation we need; we need a senator who stands for all of the people. Luckily even Governor Lamont saw through her motives and vetoed this bill.

Op-ed Piece | 06/13/2024
Kushner Can't Tell the Truth
By: Jeffrey Berlant
After the 2024 legislative session, the Democratic delegation made incredible claims of accomplishment for Danbury. After a careful fact-finding review, we give the delegation 5 Pinocchios for not telling the truth.
Senator Kushner said:
1. “Danbury’s delegation has secured more money to keep our promise to pay 80% of Career Academy construction.
PINOCCHIO 1: School construction grants are based on eligible project costs, which are limited by state standards and criteria as outlined in Legislative Report 2022-R-0239 ( Danbury Democratic delegation had nothing to do with reimbursement percentage.
2. “We’re putting a new roof on the Ellsworth Avenue school”
PINOCCHIO 2: The cost of the roof replacement was included in the Career Academy bonding HB 5524 Bill 178 ( Danbury Democratic delegation had nothing to do with that funding.
3. “We’re renovating a new science lab at the high school”
PINOCCHIO 3: Funding for renovating the science lab comes from 2 sources; 1 from 2.4 million of SNAPP2020 bonds approved during the Boughton administration, which Mayor Alves voted against when he was on the City Council ( The second source is the $43,900,000 bonding for district-wide improvements under the Esposito administration ( Danbury Democratic delegation had nothing to do with that funding.
4. “Democratic legislators announced that they had secured $12 million in state aid”
PINOCCHIO 4: In their own words, they said it was an unexpected windfall funding from the American Rescue Plan Act ( Danbury Democratic delegation had nothing to do with this funding.
5. The Democratic delegation has secured more money for the Career Academy.
PINOCCHIO 5: Bonding for a new school started with Mayor Esposito, the Superintendent of Schools, the voters, and a request to the State Board of Education. Once approved it went to the Dept. Administrative Services for approval and then was added to HB 5524 Bill 177 along with 25 Connecticut town projects ( Danbury Democratic delegation had nothing to do with this funding.
Senator Kushner said she worked very hard to secure State aid for Danbury and that Mayor Alves spent a lot of time in Hartford working as an advocate for Danbury. Unfortunately for Danbury, Senator Kushner spent most of her time advocating for the union from which she retired. You have to wonder if Mayor Alves' trips to Hartford were for his position as Treasurer of the Democratic party or the City of Danbury. The legislative chambers are closed to the public while in session, and the Mayor has $30K in his budget to pay for a lobbyist ( Why would he have to be there? The promise of honesty and transparency is lacking and goes straight to the top in the guise of Senator Julie Kushner. We need a change in the 24th District, so we can get the truth from our elected officials.